
  1. Those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, "What did Allah intend by this as an example?" He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient[2:26]

Narrated Abu Huraira: Prophet said, If anyone of you stands for prayer, he should not spit in front of him because in prayer he is speaking in private to Allah and he should not spit on his right as there is an angel, but he can spit either on his left or under his left foot and bury it (i.e. expectoration).

Aulia Allah
O you who have such a noble pedigree! Forget about your pedigree and come here. The truly noble pedigree is the fear of Allah. The prophet (Salla Allah ta alalayhi wa sallam) was asked : “ who are your family, O Muhammad?” He (salla Allah ta alalayhi wa sallam) “Everyone who is Allah- fearing belongs to the lineage of Muhammad”.

Don’t come to me on the feet of your pedigree but rather come to me on the feet of your fear of Allah. Be sensible, that which Allah has would not fall into your hand only by virtue of your ancestral pedigree, but rather until you deserve the pedigree by fear of Allah. The Invincible One said:{The noblest of you in sight of Allah is the most Allah-fearing among you}

- Shaikh "Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani"


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