Qutub-ul-Hind Hazrat Syedna Mir Shujauddin Hussain was born in the year 1191 Hijri corresponding to 1774 A.D. at Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, into a pious & religious family. His father, Hazrat Syed KareemUllah Bahadur was a religious scholar and the son of Hazrat Syed Daim, the Qazi (Justice) of Burhanpur state.

Hazrath Qutub-ul-Hind belonged to the pious genealogical linage of Hazrat Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah, son of Hazrat Syedna Ali ibn Abi Talib RUA. His ancestors had migrated from Arabia to India during the period of Mogul Emperor Akbar.

Hazrat Ahmed Yesevi RUA, a Turkic poet and Sufi, an early mystic who exerted a powerful influence on the development of mystical orders throughout the Turkic-speaking world of the 11 centaury, and the successor (Khalifa) of Hazrat Yusuf Hamdani, is the forefather of Qutub-ul-Hind. The Mausoleum of Hazrat Ahmed Yasevi is in the city of Turkestan, in southern Kazakhstan.

Hazrat Qutub-ul-Hind’s mother Hazrat Arifa Begum Sahiba was the daughter of Hazrat Khawaja Syed Mohammed Siddiq alias Gulam Mohiuddin Sahab who was a pious person and custodian of the historic Jama Masjid of Burhanpur. At the time of the marriage of Qutub-ul-Hind’s parents, the age of his father was 60 years. Qutub-ul-Hind’s father passed away when he was 2 years old. Then the responsibility of his upbringing fell on his maternal grand father, Hazrat Khawaja Syed Mohammed Siddiq. Under him he learnt basic Islamic knowledge, Arabic grammar (Sarf, Nahoo etc.) and also memorized the Holy Quran by the age of 12 years. When he was 18 years old he started out for the Pilgrimage of Hajj, and Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet’s Rauza. During his visit to the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina he gained religious knowledge from the Shaiks(scholars) of Haramain Sharifain, and after this he returned back to his native place. He also received religious knowledge from various other Islamic scholars of Burhanpur.

After returning from his pilgrimage he migrated to Hyderabad, Deccan. Initially he stayed at the residence of Nawab Fathe-ud-Daula, who was his relative, and during this stay in the Hyderabad, he learnt the Saha Sitta (The 6 famous books of Hadith) from Hazrat Izzat Yaar Khan, Chief Justice. After the completion of the Saha Sitta and receiving other knowledge, he went to Khandar, Maharashtra, for spiritual guidance under Hazrat Shah Mohammed Rafiuddin Khandari (RUA), who was a Great Shaik (Spiritual teacher) of his time, and Khalifa (Successor) of Hazrat Khawaja Syed Rahamatullah (RUA) Rahamatabad Sharif, Nellore(A.P). During his stay of khandar, which was of six months he completed the Sulook (spiritual training), under the guidance of Hazrat Shah Rafiuddin, who then granted him ijazat (permission) in the four salasil (ways) of Tareeq of Qadri, Chisti, Naqshbandi and Rifai . After this with the permission of His Shaikh he came back to Hyderabad.

Hazrat Qutub-ul-Hind was the author of a number of books on different subjects of Islam, i.e. Tafseer, Tajweed, Hadith, Fiqh, Aqayed, Tasuwauf and Sulook,etc. A few of his famous books are :-
1. Tafseer of Last Chapter of Quran and other Sursas (Under publication)
2. Kashf-ul-Khulasa - A book on the topic of Hanifi Fiqh, in poem form, which is famous and are under syllabus of many Madrasas (Published)
3. Khutabaat Juma - A book which contains Arabic Khutbaat (Sermons), with Urdu translations which are read before the Friday Prayer (Published)
4. Munajaat Khatam Al Quran - A Prayer in Arabic to be read at the time of Khatam-A-Quran, with Urdu translation. The specialty of this prayer is that it contains the names of all the 114 Surahs of the Quran and their wasila is used to ask Allah Subahan Wa Talla. (Published)
5. Risala A Simaa ( in Persian language)
6. Risala Jabar O Khadar (in Persian language)
7. Risala A Ehtalaam (in Persian language)
8. Risala Sulook Qadriya Wa Naqshbandiya (in Persian language)

Beside these, He wrote many poems in Persian language and Arabic. Hazrat Qutub-ul-Hind besides being a great religious scholar was a man of spirituality and Qutub (stage post to spirituality) of His period. By his teachings and spiritual power he showed the right path and Hidaya to thousands of people. Hundreds of people were converted to Islam by him. Thousands gained knowledge and spiritual guidance from him.
Hazrat Qutub-ul-Hind after fulfilling his mission of spreading the light of Islam and purifying the hearts and souls of thousands of human beings left this world on Friday, 4th of Moharam, 1265 Hijri corresponding to 31st November 1848 A.D.He is buried at Edi Bazaar, Hyderabad, in the garden of his grand son Hazrat Syed Daim. A big tomb was constructed around and above His grave which still exists. He had one son, by name of Hazrat Hafiz Abdullah Shah who expired during the lifetime of Hazrat Qutub-ul-Hind, and one daughter. His grand son Hazrat Syed Dayam became his Khalifa and Sajadae Nasheen (Successor). his annual urs is performed every year from 2nd to 5th Moharram under the patronage of his great grandson and successor Hazrat Moulana Syed Obaidullah Qadri Asif Pasha.