Discover the Legacy of Khanqa-e-Shujaiya
“Explore the rich spiritual legacy of Hazrat Syedna Mir Shujauddin Qadri (رحمت اللہ علیہ) and the sacred sanctuary of Khanqa-e-Shujaiya.”
What is Khanqa?
Khanqah is a Persian word. Its Arabic equivalent is ribat qawiya. It means a building made specifically for the gathering of a Sufi brotherhood, or tariqa and is a place for spiritual retreat and character reformation since the past. It also means a place where spiritual education is provided and practical spiritual training is given to purify the heart and soul. This in The Quran and Hadith terminology is known as tazkiya and ehsaan. In khanqua the students of spirituality live and learn the methods of zikr, mutaqaba etc
Khanqa established by Hazrath Syedna Mir Shujauddin Quadri(RH)

A Gathering in the Remembrance of Allah at Khanqa-e-Shujaiya
This Khanqa which was founded by Hazrath Syedna Mir Shujauddin Qadri (RUA) 200 years back for the training of spirituality and purification of heart and soul and thousands of seekers of spirituality has got their destination of purity of heart and soul in this khanaqa and the same is functionig and spiritual educaiton is also provided to the seekrs of spirituality and also pratical lessons of zikir and other methods of sulook (to walk a (spiritual) path (to God) is teached to the intrested person who belongs to the silsila and from its inception this khanq is providing the purpose of its establishment and on every sunday at 2 p.m. and on every tuersday between magrib and isha prayers dars e hadees shareef and taswauf is delivered by the custodian of this khanqa Hazrat Syed Shah Ubaid Ullah Qadri and hunderds of men and women are benifiting by the teachings of Hazrat Qutub Ul Hind through his grand son and custodian.
What is Madarsah?

A Spiritual Gathering of Qur'an Recitation at Madarsah HAZRAT QUTUBUL HIND HAFIZ SYEDNA MIR SHUJAUDDIN HUSSAIN (Rehmatullah Alaih)
This is the Arabic word for any type of educational institutions, be it a School or College, but in Islamic terminology Madrasah means an educational institution which provides Islamic knowledge. Islam directs its followers to gain knowledge and Islamic teachings. This shows that education is a must for a true believer, so that he or she can, by the light of knowledge differentiate between the true and false, right and wrong. Therefore in every era of Islam, great importance was and is given to education and gaining knowledge. For this purpose educational institutions are still established. The history of Islam shows that the rulers, the ulemas & intellectuals had taken keen interest in promoting the education and these types of institutions. These Madrasahs play a vital role for spreading the light of knowledge all over the world.
What is Madarsah?
This is the Arabic word for any type of educational institutions, be it a School or College, but in Islamic terminology Madrasah means an educational institution which provides Islamic knowledge. Islam directs its followers to gain knowledge and Islamic teachings. This shows that education is a must for a true believer, so that he or she can, by the light of knowledge differentiate between the true and false, right and wrong. Therefore in every era of Islam, great importance was and is given to education and gaining knowledge. For this purpose educational institutions are still established. The history of Islam shows that the rulers, the ulemas & intellectuals had taken keen interest in promoting the education and these types of institutions. These Madrasahs play a vital role for spreading the light of knowledge all over the world.

A Spiritual Gathering of Qur'an Recitation at Madarsah HAZRAT QUTUBUL HIND HAFIZ SYEDNA MIR SHUJAUDDIN HUSSAIN (Rehmatullah Alaih)
This Madrasa(Islamic School) is functioning under the premises of Shrine of Hazrat Qutub ul Hind Hafiz Syedna Mir Shujauddin Hussain (RUA) situated at Edi Bazar Hyderabad and a large no. of childern study and memorize the holy Quran. They also learn other Islamic teachings like Aqeeda (believes), Tajweed (Rules of reading Quran) and Fiqa (Islamic Jurispedance) under the patronage of Hazrat Moulana Syed Shah Ubaid Ullah Qadri Sajjada Nasheen Dargah Shujaiya and Mutwalli (Custodian) Jama Masjid Shujaya Charminar.
TALEEM-E-BALEGHAN(Adult Education)

Qur'an Recitation at Jama masjis SHUJAIYA, Charminar
This is an education system without a age limit specially for those who due to some reasons fails to acquire the knowledge at proper age of learning. This system of education is provided at Jama Masjid Shujaya Charminar in which basic Islamic education like Aqaaid (believes) and method of offering prayers, Duas and Hadiths (Saying of Prophet SAS) etc are taught at the night hours to the persons who were unable to attend the day time school due to their occupations.