Islamic Education – A Path to Knowledge & Faith

“Learn the essential teachings of Islam, including faith, worship, and daily practices, to strengthen your spiritual journey.”

Bismilla Hir Rahman Nir Raheem Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Syedil Mursaleen Wa Ala Aalihi Wa Ashabihi Ajmaeen.

One must know that knowledge is light through which one can escape from the darkness of illiteracy. It also develops a quality in an individual that helps him in differentiating good and bad, correct and incorrect, allowable and forbidden. Distance from knowledge makes an individual unhappy and sad in the world and on the ‘Day of Judgment (Qayaa’mat)’. To protect an individual from this sadness and unhappiness Islam has made it incumbent on every man and woman to get educated and gain knowledge, further he can come out of the darkness of illiteracy into the light of Hida’yah (Right Path) through the light of knowledge. In Holy Quran and Hadith (Sayings of Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him) its mentioned in various places about the superiority of knowledge and gaining knowledge.

Thus, with this intention of educating people and adding to their Islamic Knowledge we bring this section of Islamic Education. This section contains the information about ‘Arkaan-e-Islam (Pillars of Islam), Ablution(Wudu), Bathing(Ghusl), Dry Ablution(Tayammum), Prayers(Namaaz), Compensatory Prostration(Sajda-Sahu)’ in the form of Interrogation(Q & A). Having knowledge of these and memorizing them is must for every Muslim.

Now its responsibility of the reader to what extent, he remembers, implements and spread it to others with the intention of gaining bounties of Allah Subha-nahu-Taa’la. “Good Fortune(Tawfeeq)” is always from Allah Subha-nahu-Taa’la and I pray to Him that He bless everyone with “Good Fortune(Tawfeeq)” to gain knowledge from this section. I also pray to Him that He accepts this contribution of ours and He and His Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) get agree with everyone of us.

Pillars of Islam(Arkann-e-Islam)

Q.1) What are the pillars of Islam?
Ans) There are five pillars of Islam:

Kalima-e-Tawheed: Testifying that Allah is one and Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) as His last messenger and Prophet.
Salah(Namaz): Offering five times a day is Mandatory(Farz) and offering Friday Prayer instead of Zohar prayer and offering Prayers of Eid is Obligatory(Wajib).
Fasting(Roza): Every year, fasting for the entire month of Ramadan is Mandatory(Farz).
Zakat: Possessing the liable quantity of ornaments (60 grams and 755 milligrams of gold (or) 425 grams and 285 milligrams of Silver (or) the equivalent amount) for an year, then for every Rs. 100 giving Rs. 2.50 as Zakat is Mandatory(Farz).
Haj: Once in a life time, if one owns the amount and is healthy enough to travel to the Holy City of Makkah then Haj is Mandatory(Farz) for that person.

Ablution(Wudu), Bathing(Ghusl), Dry Ablution(Tayammum)

Q.1) What are the Mandates (Fara’ez) and Traditions (Sunnats) in Ablution (Wudu)?
Ans) There are four Mandates (Fara’ez) in Wudu:
Washing of the entire face(From forehead to the lower portion of chin and from one end of the ear to the other end of the other ear).
Washing of both hands along with elbows.
Rubbing of one fourth head with wet hands.
Washing of the feet along with the ankles.

NOTE:If anyone of the above is left out or any portion equivalent to one hair space is left dry then Ablution does not happens.

There are twelve Traditional(Sunnats) in Ablution(Wudu):
Reciting the name of Almighty Allah(Bismillah hir rahman nir raheem).
Making an intention of Wudu while starting it.
Washing both hands along with the wrists.
Cleaning the teeth with Miswak.
Rinse the mouth with water(Gargling).
Cleaning the inner portion of nose using the baby finger and water.
Washing every part involved in Wudu three times.
Wiping the beard with wet fingers similar to combing.
Wiping the portion between the fingers of hands and legs (webs) with water.
Rubbing entire head with wet hands.
Wiping of both ears and neck with wet hands.
Following all the steps of Ablution (Wudu) in sequence.

Q.2) What are the things that nullifies Wudu?
Ans) Below are the things that nullifies the Wudu:
Flowing of blood or urine from the body.
Mouthful vomiting(This vomit includes bile, food, water or condensed blood).
Sleeping by taking support on one side or on one hip or flat or to lie face downward.
Ejection of anything through the orifice of stool and Urine (Whether it is due to habit or not).
Lunacy(Insanity or madness).
Intoxication(befogged by consumption of any intoxicant like wine….etc).
Unconsciousness (Due to any disease or due to any shock etc).
Loud laughter in Salah(Namaz).

Q.3) What is the process of performing Ablution (Wudu) when there is a part of the body covered with bandage due to any reason?
Ans) If there is a pain, burst, ailment or bandage on any part of the body which is mandatory(Farz) to be washed and applying water over them causes harm, then wiping that portion with hand will be sufficient. But if wiping also causes harm then that portion can be left untouched.

Q.4) What are the Mandates (Fara’ez), Pleasant (Mustahabbat) and Causes of bathing (Mawjibaat)?

Ans) There are three Mandates (Fara’ez) in Ghusl:
Rinse the water in mouth and if someone is not on a fast (Roza) then do the gargling.
Taking the water inside the nose.
Flowing water on the entire body in such a manner that no part of the body is left dry.

NOTE: If any part of the body equivalent to the space of a hair is left dry then Ghusl does not happens.
There should not be anything similar to oil, paint or wheat flour…etc on the body due to which certain part of the body is left dry.
Below are the Traditional(Sunnat) or Pleasant(Mustahabbat) steps in Ghusl:
To make an intention(Niyat) of bathing.
Reciting Bismillah.
Washing both hands along with the wrists.
Washing hidden parts of the body(either dirt is found or not).
Removing the impure things (Najasat) from the body.
Performing Ablution.
Scrubbing the body.
Taking bath in such a place where nobody watches.
Not facing Holy Kaba.
Below are the causes for bath(Mawjibaat) to become Mandatory(Farz):
Discharge of semen or sperm with lust.
Nocturnal Pollution.
Carnal Conjunction.
End of menses.

Q.5) What is Tayammum and explain the circumstances under which tayammum is allowed?
Ans) Striking the palms on clean sand or any clean thing which forms part of the earth and rubbing them on face and both hands with the intention of attaining cleanliness is called tayammum.
Circumstances: Tayammum holds the position of Ablution(wudu) and Bathing(Ghusl). If there is no water available for Wudu or Ghusl then performing tayammum is allowed. Once tayammum is done then offering any no.of prayers, touching Holy Quran and Reciting Holy Quran is allowed.
Tayammum is allowed only under the below circumstances:
Water is available after the reach of one and a half kilometer (1.1/2).
Use of water for a sick person may make him more sick or could become a reason for his death.
Only drinkable quantity of water is available and there is a fear that its consumption for ablution will leave them with no water for drinking.
Water is available in well but there is nothing with which it can be obtained like rope, bucket or any utensil… etc.
There is a doubt on loosing the prayer of Eid or prayer of Funeral (provided he is not the successor of the dead).

NOTE: The moment someone attains control over the water Tayammum will be nullified.

Q.6) Explain the mandatory(Fara’ez) steps and the process for Tayammum.
Ans) There are three mandates(Fara’ez) in Tayammum:
Making an intention of Tayammum.
Striking the palms on clean sand or anything made of sand and rubbing on face.
Striking the palms second time on clean sand or anything made of sand and rubbing on both hands along with the elbows such that not even a space equivalent to a hair is left out.



Q.1) What are the timings for five compulsory prayers?
Ans) Below are the timings for the prayers:
Fajr (Morning Prayers): Timings of Morning prayers (Fajr) start from the day break till the sunrise.
Zohar (Noon Prayers): It starts from the declining of the sun and lasts till everything castes its shadows (other than the real image (at the exact noon the image formed of everything is called the real image)) equal to the shadow of their size.
Asr(Afternoon Prayers): It starts after the physical objects caste their shadow double of their size which lasts till the sunset.
Maghrib (Evening Prayers): It starts after setting of the sun and lasts till the disappearance of the twilight.
Isha (Night prayers): It starts after disappearance of twilight in the horizon till the day breaks and the timings of the ‘Vitar’ prayers are also the same which is performed after Night Prayer.

NOTE: The timings of Friday (Juma) prayer is also the same as Zohar Prayer.

Q.2) What are the prohibited timings for the prayers?
Ans) The timings during which performance of prayer is prohibited are the below three:
At the time of Sunrise (till the sunrises to an extent of one lance) nearly 20 minutes.
At exact Noon (until the sun is not declined).
During Sunset (means after the sun becomes red till it sets).

Q.3) How many Rakaats are there in each prayer?
Ans) The rakats of 5 prayers are as follows:
There are total 4 rakats in Fajr – 2 Sunnat Muakkida, 2 Farz.
There are total 12 rakats in Zohr – 4 Sunnat Muakkida, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnat Muakkida, 2 Nafil.
There are total 8 rakats in Asr – 4 Non Sunnat Muakkida, 4 Farz.
There are total 7 rakats in Maghrib – 3 Farz, 2 Sunnat Muakkida, 2 Nafil.
There are total 17 rakats in Isha – 4 Non Sunnat Muakkida, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnat Muakkida,2 Nafil, 3 Vitar, 2 Nafil.

Q.4) What are the conditions for making Salath(Namaaz) correct and perfect?
Ans) Below are mandatory conditions to be completed before starting the prayer:
Cleanliness of body (Perform Wudu or Ghusl, if they are mandatory to be done).
Cleanliness of the clothes.
Cleanliness of the place where prayer is being offered.
The hidden parts of the body are covered (For Men starting from the portion below belly till the portion below knees. For Women, covering the entire body excluding the portion after the wrist, the portion below the ankle and the face).
To face Qibla.
Making an intention in the heart of the prayer being offered.
Offering prayer on its time. Q.5) What are the essentials of Namaaz(prayer)?
Ans) Below are the essentials of Namaaz (prayer):
Standing (Qiyaam)
Initial Takbeer (Takbeer –e-Tahreema means saying Allahu-Akbar while starting prayer if not said then prayer will not start).
Reciting of Qirat (Qirat means reciting verses from Holy Quran).
Genuflexion (Ruku).
Performing two prostrations (Sajde).
Last sitting (Qayeda Akhira).
To end the prayer with “Salam”.
NOTE: If any one of the conditions essential is missed out then the prayer must be repeated again.

Q.6) What are the Obligations (Wajeebaat) of Namaaz (Prayer)?
Ans) The following are the Obligations of Namaz:
Reciting of Surah Fateha.
Combined Surah (means after reciting Surah Fateha, reciting aleast one big verse or three small verses from the Holy Quran).
Fixing of recitation of Surah Fateha and combined Surah in first two rakaats of Farz Namaaz.
Maintenance of Sequence (Ex: Standing , Genuflexion(Ruku), Prostrations … etc).
Correct performance of various postures (Performing the various postures with patience).
Sitting (Qaida) after every two Rakaats.
Reciting Tashahud(At-tahi-yatu……) in every sitting after two Rakaats.
Ending the prayer with the word “Salam”.
Reciting Dua-e-Khunoot after saying takbeer in the third Rakaat of Vitar Namaaz.
Reciting Qirat with voice in Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers.
Reciting Qirat with low voice in Zohr and Asr prayers.
Including six Takbeerat in the prayers of Eid(Eid-ul –Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha).
NOTE: If any one of the above is left out or is done after a long time then, performing compensatory prostration (Sajda Sahu) is mandatory, otherwise prayer must be repeated again.

Q.7) What are the things that ‘nullify’ the prayer?
Ans) The following things nullify the prayer:
Talking or answering anything during Namaaz.
Eating something in prayer either wantedly or unwantedly. (If anything from the teeth equivalent or more than the size of gram (chana) enters into the throat then the prayer is nullified).
Loud laughter by an adult person in the prayer of Genuflexion (Ruku) and prostration (Sajdah).
Performing big actions by a person in prayer when watched by another person understands that the performer is not in prayer.
Reciting the Quranic Verses by looking into the Holy Quran.
Prostration on dirty/impure place.
Without reason turning the chest from Qibla (Kaba).
Rising up both legs from the ground while in prostration.
Missing of any condition from the conditions of Namaaz.
Leaving any one of the various postures of Namaaz.
NOTE:Under all of the above circumstances repeating the prayer once again is mandatory.

Compensatory Prostration

Q.1) What is compensatory prostration? How and when should it be done?
Ans) Performing 2 prostrations after Tashahud of the last sitting because of the occurrence of an error in the prayer is called Compensatory Prostration.
The method of performing compensatory prostration is, in the last sitting after Tashahud one has to convey one salam towards the right shoulder and then perform two prostrations thereafter repeat the tashahud with Durud and Dua (supplication). Then convey salam on both sides.

It becomes obligatory due to the below five reasons:

Advance performance of any posture (i.e., before Qirat, doing Ruku or Sajda).
Delay in performance of any posture (Ex: Reciting more than the tashahud in the first sitting due to which there is delay in standing for the third Rakaat).
Repetition of any posture (Ex: Performing 2 Ruku or 3 Sajdas) in any Rakaat.
Dropping of any Obligation (Ex: First sitting is avoided).
Change in Obligation (Ex: Reciting Quran loudly when it is to be read slowly).

Q.2) Give few examples of Sajda Sahu.
Ans) Below are the examples of Sajda Sahu:
If by mistake any of the posture or condition of namaaz is left out then prayer should be repeated again. Even compensatory prostration cannot complete the Namaaz.
If forgotten to recite Surah Fateha or only combined Surah is recited or initially combined Surah then Surah Fateha is recited then compensatory prostration becomes obligatory.
It is obligatory to recite combined Surah in all the Rakaats of Sunaat, Nafil and Vitar. If someone recites combined Surah only in the first two Rakaats similar to Farz Namaaz and leaves the combined Surah for the rest two Rakaats then Compensatory Prostration becomes obligatory.
After reciting Surah Fateha and for combined Surah, if there is a delay such that one posture can be performed in that delay (or) in the first sitting after tashahud if there is a delay in standing such that one posture can be performed in that delay then compensatory prostration becomes obligatory.
In first sitting(Qaida-e-Oola) of 3 or 4 Rakaats prayer after Tashahud, instead of standing if someone starts reciting Durud Ibrahim and have uttered till ‘Allah-hum-ma Sal-le-Ala’ and stood for third Rakaat then compensatory prostration is not obligatory but if uttered more than this then it becomes obligatory.
In 3 or 4 Rakaats prayer, after 2 Rakaats if forgotten to sit and stood up completely and recollected to sit then do not sit back otherwise prayer will be nullified because one should not return from Farz to Wajib. And if recollected while standing such that the position is near to sitting then sit down for Tashahud and do not perform compensatory prostration. And if the position is near to standing then do not sit and perform compensatory prostration.

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